The Lowest Point In My Life and The Turn Around

My defining moment was also the lowest point in my life. 

I worked and moved up the career ladder a few times in a tech company. I had a great reputation and led the most important R&D team building the next generation of product offering. I worked short hours with the best team I built up. I loved fostering a self-sustainable team and delivering products with great positive impact to the world.

However, I was unhappy and unfulfilled. I wasn’t growing much. My values weren’t aligned with the leadership team where long-term thinking and people weren’t treated as priorities. I grew mistrust toward the leadership team every time they made short-term decisions toward business or had layoffs due to political reasons. I felt like I couldn’t be my authentic self. There wasn’t a clear purpose to why I did what I did anymore. Given the state of the company and my own misalignment, I couldn’t continue inspiring my team. 

I woke up every day dreading going to work. 
At the same time, my dad passed away. Back then, I didn’t know how to deal with my emotions so I numbed myself with work for a few months.
I knew I needed a change but I just didn’t have the energy nor the courage.
I felt stuck, hopeless, and miserable.

Until, I found myself a coach. 

I didn’t know what coaching was but I was motivated to try.  “This gotta work” – I was in pain and really wanted to get out. 

Little did I know, the coaching experience would change my life, forever. 

In just a few sessions,  I learned my default thought patterns and how my own thoughts were preventing me from getting what I really want. I discovered and understood my deepest fears for the first time.  I challenged my own assumptions and judgments of myself and others.  I started having a series of dialogue with myself, the me that I neglected for so long. 

With every finding, I got better than my excuses and understood what really went on. 
With growing awareness, I got to decide how I want to respond to my emotions and external events.
With every conscious decision, I changed my circumstances little by little.
I loved myself a bit more. I became more confident. I gained more energy. 
I had more courage to go after what I really want regardless how others would think of me.

In a few months, I quit and took a gap year. It was the best gift I gave myself.

  • I backpacked solo for a month in Europe at age 37. (It’s never too late!)
  • I went back to Taiwan to be with my family for a few months to grieve properly.
  • I came back to the US to explore what my second career would be. 
  • I did information interviews with people who have done similar career transitions and tried some of them out.
  • I dreamed about all the possibilities. It was the wildest and most creative period in my life.

Given how much my life had transformed because of coaching, I got really curious about learning the magic to grow myself even more. I signed up for a year-long coaching training and got certified. Fast forward to today, I am a coach, trusted advisor, engineering leader, investor, chef, and entrepreneur. 

“Each Moment Describes Who You Are and Gives You the Opportunity to Decide if That’s Who You Want to Be.” ~ iPEC Foundation Principle

I am who I want to be.
And, I am empowering others to do the same.

What’s your lowest point? What did you do to turn it around? Reply to me. I read every email I receive from readers.



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