Appreciate YOU – Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is a holiday that I adapted after I came to the U.S. I don’t understand the obsession over turkeys. But I LOVE the feeling of being with family and friends and the abundant food at the table! Eat first and diet later! 😉 What I like the most is taking the moment to express […]
Continue readingMore TagBeing a Superhero You Secretly Hope Exist!
In a recent coaching session with a client, she brought up a very good question – “how do I stay true to myself, especially when fears come up?” Such a great question! I might have an unpopular answer to this question – it’s in every choice we make! Fears always come up when we step […]
Continue readingMore TagChoose YOU – Reclaim Your Power in the World of “Shoulds”
This is an unconventional marketing message for my new group coaching program named: Choose YOU – Reclaim Your Power in the World of “Shoulds” Here are a few “shoulds” I’ve learned about selling a coaching program. I should market the program by tapping into people’s pains and fears to push them into actions. I should […]
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When I work with myself or my clients, in early days, we want to be coached to avoid negative feelings. When we feel negative emotions, we catch ourselves and do our best to reframe the thoughts. It works from time to time. But it’s also not sustainable. Often time, avoidance can be disempowering. Why? You […]
Continue readingMore TagWhat Are Scary But Fun Ways to Stretch Yourself?
Warning: for the past week and the coming week, I am in an intensive program aiming to stretch myself. I am going to enjoy the scary but fun way to show up. You’ve already seen the last post Fall Color and a Love Poem, where I wrote my first ever poem in 5 minutes. The […]
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