Don’t Be Pushed Around By The Fears In Your Mind. Be Led By the Dreams In Your Heart.
I just made an invitation to coach a VP, Engineering, who used to be my skip level. It’s a BIG DEAL to me and I am writing this post to CELEBRATE! Here is why. Growing up, I was a curious kid with a deep desire to understand how things work. I asked questions all the […]
Continue readingMore TagAsking For Help Is A Strength, Not A Weakness
I kicked off a research project to interview 1st-gen immigrant female leaders because I like to help female leaders like me to advance their career with more ease and authenticity. I want to understand their experience, challenges, doubts, fears, and dreams. My first interviewer is one of my best friends. We had a wonderful conversation. […]
Continue readingMore TagWhat Can One Person Do? More Than You Think!
I’ve been following the war in Ukraine closely in the past week. When the invasion started, I was on vacation in Maui. The war just seemed so far away while I was doing yoga by the beach. As an individual, my first thought was, “Oh well, what can I do to be impactful, I’m just […]
Continue readingMore TagA Wonderful Gift May Not Be Wrapped As You Expect
“A Wonderful Gift May Not Be Wrapped As You Expect” ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie I am using a desk in a hotel room facing the ocean. I can hear the sound of the ocean, waterfall, and birds. I am here to celebrate the 7th anniversary with my partner in Maui. Maui is notorious for its […]
Continue readingMore TagCultivate Your Celebration Muscle
I got into the habit of writing about my journey, especially on sharing my struggles and learnings. It was uncomfortable to be so vulnerable, yet I know people resonate with my darkest fears and doubts. Today, I’m gonna do something different – celebrating my wins. For most high achievers, once we set a goal and […]
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