Cultivate Your Celebration Muscle
I got into the habit of writing about my journey, especially on sharing my struggles and learnings. It was uncomfortable to be so vulnerable, yet I know people resonate with my darkest fears and doubts. Today, I’m gonna do something different – celebrating my wins. For most high achievers, once we set a goal and […]
Continue readingMore TagI Know I Am Being Successful When …
When I connect with people, there is this one common thing that people want: SUCCESS. When I dig deeper to what makes them successful, I find that many people’s measurements of success are external-motivated. We compare the worst version of ourselves to the best version of others we see on social media We think about […]
Continue readingMore TagYou Are More Powerful Than You Think
“In a meeting, a mentee talked about her 3 job offers without knowing what she really wanted. I no longer felt bitter that I didn’t get that opportunity. Instead, I feel grounded. Because I know exactly what I want, which is to learn and grow myself. A promotion is the inevitable outcome of my growth.” […]
Continue readingMore TagThe Lowest Point In My Life and The Turn Around
My defining moment was also the lowest point in my life. I worked and moved up the career ladder a few times in a tech company. I had a great reputation and led the most important R&D team building the next generation of product offering. I worked short hours with the best team I built […]
Continue readingMore TagMost People Think We Need To Have All The Answers To Be Successful, The Truth Is We Are Being Successful When We Are Willing To Fail Forward
“If you want to be happy, put your effort into controlling the sail, not the wind” ~ unknown I’ve been feeling stressed for the past two days. I created a 5-month group coaching program for engineering leaders set to start in mid February. Thinking back on my own leadership journey, I was super excited to […]
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