Default Life Vs Created Life

One thing I love to do is helping people see their dreams clearly. We play the game of what they dare to dream in 3 years of time. We travel to the future to witness their life at best. And I help them to dream even bigger. I have them describe what would be the 10 out of 10 life that seems impossible

In the conversation, one version of their future is created. Once they see it, they cannot unsee it. They feel the joy in their bones knowing an amazing way to fully utilize their potential. They see the impact they are meant to bring to the world. Oftentimes, their faces lift up. Their energy shift. Many get emotional because they connect deeply with what they really really really want. At that moment, I see kings and queens in front of me, ready to conquer the world.

However, some of them don’t stay in that space too long. The thought of reality and responsibilities pull them right back to the lack of now. Fears come up at this stage: fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of failure, or even fear of success. It’s how most people live the default life by not taking actions toward their true desire. 

I get it. I spent many years living the default life. It’s comfortable to be in the know. It’s great to have a almost guarantee lifestyle. It felt safe. I could fit in without the risk of being vulnerable or hurt. I didn’t need to spend the energy to explain what I was doing and why. I didn’t dream big so I wouldn’t be disappointed either. 

It continued to work until it didn’t. I lived for the weekends. It’s like a life half lived. I lost the connection with myself. I was unhappy.

Until, I decided one day to recreate my life: a life that inspires myself and others without any regret.

But how? You might ask. I’ve learned the question itself is the fun part. Because there is no right answer.

And, there is no secret because: life is created in every conscious decision we make, however small or big it might be.

I created my life when I decided to study abroad.
I created my life when I decided to work as an engineer in the Silicon Valley.
I created my life when I decided to quit my job to travel, be with my family, and fall in love with coaching.

I created my life when I decided to stop drinking or buffering.
I created my life when I decided to say “I love you” to my partner everyday.
I created my life when I decided to be here writing this post.
I created my life when I accepted that I will fail forward to the life I want.

It sounds simple but it’s not easy. 

I have faith and I don’t do this alone. I surround myself with people who believe in me, sometimes more than I do. I have more than 2 coaches and an amazing community. They challenge me when I am scared or take the easy way out. I learn to show up and take space. I learn to be myself. In the reflection of them, I see my own power. I created the environment for myself deliberately so I can go far.

Now, instead of asking “how” I get there, the question becomes “what”: for the gap between now and 3 years from now, what can I create now so I can live my 10 out of 10 life? All I need to figure out is the next tiny (or big) step I take.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it” ~ Peter Drucker

What do you want to create for your life?
What can you do to create more of what you want?
Who can you surround yourself with to make your impossible dream possible?


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