Twists And Turns Of The Unforgettable Moments

My friends and I went to Mt. Rainier National Park for a few days. 

We did the most popular hike twice.

The first time we went, we couldn’t see beyond where we walked because of the heavy fog. 

We appreciated the little things we could see – the floor of flowers, morning dew on the plants, and the wild animals from a distance. 

When we reached a scenic point, a bunch of people were there, commenting on how mysterious Mt. Rainier seemed the whole time.

Then, we turned our heads around – there it was – the peak of Mt. Rainier! 

We were astonished by its beauty. The whole process only lasted a few minutes before the mountain was fully covered in fog again. We couldn’t believe our good fortune!

Mt. Rainer in the Fog. life coaching. career coaching. appreciate the unexpected moments

We went again the next day. It was almost cloudless! We saw astonishing views along the hike the whole time. It was so breathtaking. We couldn’t help but take photo after photo.

The interesting thing is, when asked what’s the most memorable experience during the entire time, ALL of us mentioned it was that brief moment when we saw the peak of Mt. Rainier!

This realization had me wondering: 

Oftentimes, we don’t want these twists and turns on our journey. 

It sounds great if all we have are the sunny days in this journey called life. However, smooth rides all the time can be…well… kind of boring.

The unexpected, on the other hand, helps us appreciate the simplicity around us and enriches our experience even more.

I can be happy on a sunny day.

I can be happy on a cloudy day.

I can be happy on a rainy day.

Because, I get to have different encounters with different things. 

That’s where the richness of my life experience comes in! 

How about you? What have your experiences been with the twists and turns?

Love, Wen

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