Is Coaching For You And It’s Side Effects

Ever feel like you’re asking yourself “Is this all there is?” or “What’s next?” or “Do I have what it takes?

Then, it might just be time to talk to a coach near you.

But beware: coaching comes with side effects that no one really talks about. After diving deep into the experiences shared by my clients, I’ve compiled a “warning label” for anyone contemplating to embark on this journey.

Proceed with Caution: Coaching Side Effects May Include…

  • A Severe Allergy to Other People’s Opinions: Suddenly, what Aunt Martha thinks about your career choices becomes as irrelevant as last year’s meme. This condition is irreversible and may lead to acute episodes of doing-whatever-the-heck-you-want.
  • Unexpected Financial Health: Watch for a surprising uptick in your bank balance. Side effects may include paying off debt, saving for that dream vacation, or 20% increase in your salary. Yes, coaching might just make you richer. Who knew?
  • Chronic Leisure Time: As you hone the art of saying no and master your priorities, don’t be alarmed if you find yourself lounging on a Sunday afternoon with absolutely no guilt. Warning: This may lead to hobbies, passions, and, dare we say, relaxation.
  • Enhanced Connection Quality: Coaching may drastically improve your relationships. Symptoms include meaningful conversations, laughter, and knowing who your real friends are.
  • Radical Emotional Fitness: Expect to feel things deeply. Yes, even that pesky joy. Coaching pulls you out of the emotional kiddie pool and into the deep end. Floaties not included.

Rare, But Keep an Eye Out For…

  • Purpose Overload: In rare cases, individuals have reported a sudden, overwhelming clarity of purpose. If you find yourself quitting your day job to pursue your passion for underwater basket weaving, please consult your coach for a reality check.
  • Empowerment Syndrome: This serious condition leads to a belief in one’s own abilities, often resulting in life achievements and an aversion to settling. There’s no known cure.

Final Warning:

Coaching isn’t for the faint-hearted. It’s for the ones ready to tackle their “meh” existence and turn it into a “Heck yes!” life. Side effects are intense and may lead to a life fully lived. Proceed with wild abandon and a sense of humor.

Remember, folks: coaching changes lives—mostly for the better. But always consult with a professional (hint: me 😎) to make sure it’s the right kind of crazy for you.


P.S. What to talk more? Book a time with me!
P.P.S. What do you think about this post? DM me and let me know!

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