Daily Creation – A Mind Hack For A Better Day!

Recently, I found myself resisting a second scheduled meeting with a CTO.

On paper, she seemed to have achieved everything on her own.

This perception, unusual for me, prompted further reflection.

I realized it was my insecurity speaking, given her apparent success. Subconsciously, I had labeled her as closed-minded and overly independent.

With that thought, my mind began seeking evidence to support this during our first encounter.

Fortunately, I caught this thought process early.

In my morning walk that day, much like the rejuvenating reset that sleep provides each night, I decided to consciously recreate my image of myself, of her, and of the world.

This daily walk is a chance to clear the slate of yesterday’s judgments and start anew, to craft the day and our interactions within it.

  • I made a conscious choice of how I show up that day: curious and present, without any preconceived stories, believing in my value.
  • I made a conscious choice of how I see her: as open, reflective, and collaborative.
  • I made a conscious choice of how I see the world: our conversation was meant to happen for good reasons.

These choices shifted everything.

The meeting I had dreaded turned into a delightful exchange, leading to more scheduled calls and, unexpectedly, a genuine connection that I now value.

This experience underscored the power of daily conscious creation.

Each morning, just as we awake refreshed from sleep, we have the opportunity to reset our perceptions and intentions.

What we choose to recreate our views can transform ordinary days into meaningful experiences.

How about you?

Maybe you are not confident about yourself. Maybe you are irritated by a coworker. Maybe you are unsettled about what’s going on in the world. Why not try asking these questions:

  • How do you create yourself each day upon awakening?
  • How do you recreate the person you’re going to meet?
  • How do you shape the world?


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