Speaking My Way to 10x Impact: The Magic of Words

At the beginning of the year, I set my resolution to 10x my impact.

I set the goal to 10x intentionally to get myself out of linear thinking. (Luckily, I can’t work 10 times harder! 😉)

As I slowed down to think about how to create a 10x impact, an email dropped in my inbox with an approved speaker application I had submitted last year.

On Women’s Day, I spoke to a few hundred women in the tech industry, which was the biggest audience I’ve ever had.

But I didn’t stop there.

I put “10x” on my wall.

I talked to anyone who was willing to listen about what it means to me.

For a few months, nothing happened, but I kept talking.

Fast forward to last week, I signed a contract for a paid speaking engagement, and another opportunity popped up.

I literally created these opportunities with my words—I expressed my passion and intention for speaking.

Most importantly, I continued to show up as who I am, unapologetically—immigrant, lesbian, introvert, woman in tech, recovering overachiever, etc.

Yes, it takes energy to plant the seed with my words.

Yes, it takes time for the seed to sprout.

And yes, with enough patience and persistence, my words create miracles for me.

How about you?

What would you like to create with your words?



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