What If It Is Fun And Easy?

What if everything you’re doing could be both fun and easy?

You might be thinking, “What are you talking about!?” 🤯

Like many, the initial reaction might be confusion or even resistance. For decades, we’ve been conditioned to believe that working hard is the path to success. Anything less, and we’re quick to shame ourselves into actions.

The good and the bad news is – it works! (spoil alert: until it doesn’t)

Working hard earns us external validation, recognition for our efforts. We can get better titles, more money, and greater responsibilities.

As we get bigger scope with higher expectations, we do the one thing we know – we work even harder!

In the pursuit of doing more and achieving more, sometimes we wonder -“can we keep up?” or “is keeping up what we really want?”

For the longest time, working hard was my mantra. But facing the ambition to 10x my impact this year—without the means to work 10x harder—I was forced to rethink my strategy.

What if achieving my goal didn’t require 10x effort?

What if it could be fun and easy?

This paradigm shift has opened my mind to endless possibilities:

  • Speaking at a tech conference
  • Hosting free webinars on topics people care about
  • Directly inviting those I’m excited to work with
  • Collaborating with like-minded people to multiply impact

Imagine the potential if all these actions were approached with joy and ease! 🤩

I’m now excited about all the possibilities AND the journey of getting there!

How about you?

What if achieving your current goals was fun and easy?

What would change for you?


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